Phoenix Gas Fired Water Heater
96% Stainless Steel Commercial Water Heaters
The side shot, modulating design of the Phoenix water heater proves far superior to the down shot, non-modulation design used by the rest of the condensing water heater industry.
Specify the Best
The brand name water heaters are an easy default selection. Break the habit with the higher value choice.
#1 in Durability
Stainless steel/cupronickel construction lasts far longer than coated steel construction which fails rapidly if acidic condensate is trapped. Load matching modulation leads to far less cycling and longer component life.
#1 in Reliability
Again, Phoenix load matching modulation radically reduces component wear associated with the cycling of standard on/off heaters. The Phoenix gas valve/blower/control module has been successfully used by millions of boilers world wide, and over 70,000 boilers and water heaters manufactured by Heat Transfer Products.
Cost Competitive
The Phoenix can cost 5-10% more than a coated steel condensing water heater because the Phoenix uses more expensive, and durable raw materials. You get what you pay for.
Some commercial condensing water heaters need mufflers. Phoenix is super quiet.
Easy to Service
With all the moving parts easily accessible in the front, Phoenix is a dream to set up and periodically service, like all condensing heaters.
The Era of the 80% Commercial Water Heater is Over
Over 40% of the commercial water heaters sold in 2008, with capacities under 200,000 Btuh, were condensing water heaters. Surprise you? It shouldn’t.
Conventional, bottom-fired, glass-lined water heaters have increased in price far faster than condensing water heaters. And gas prices have increased dramatically. As a result, in most commercial applications a condensing water heater has no more than a three year payback. In many applications, less than two!
On top of that, the average service life of a traditional commercial water heater is short - as few as 4 years by some estimates. Compare that with the 10 year estimated life expectancy of the HTP Phoenix tank. Put these two facts together, and you can see why 80% commercial water heaters are going the way of the Dodo.
A “Throw Away” mind set. Get over it.
throw away water heaterThe major manufacturers of commercial water heaters have long been wed to old technologies which are ill-suited for condensing operation. All it takes is one imperfection in the coating of a steel tank, either outside or inside the combustion heat exchanger, and a leak will occur … “sooner” rather than “later” in most cases.
Contrast that with the ultra high efficiency design of the Phoenix Water Heater which is based on a long life span, not planned obsolescence. Heat Transfer Products, America’s leading maker of premium stainless steel tanks for over 25 years and maker of the Phoenix, does it right. The stainless steel/ cupronickel used in the Phoenix lasts longer than coated steel and sacrificial anodes. Period.
The Right Size
The Phoenix matches 100,000, 130,000 and 199,000 btus with 55, 80 and 119 gallon tanks. The Phoenix 80 gallon heaters match performance with the competitions 100 gallon heaters. (Example: Phoenix 199-80 matches Cyclone 199-100) While the Phoenix is not available in ASME models, two PH199-80 gallon Phoenix heaters cost less than one 400 mbh/ 130 gallon ASME Cyclone, including installation.
Phoenix or Tankless?
The Phoenix has a tank that accommodates recirculation systems easily, is not sensitive to mineral build up on the heat exchanger and can manage peak load demands more cost effectively than a tankless. A 199,000 btu condensing tankless water heater can produce a maximum of 6.5 gpm at 60 degree rise. If the peak load of the project will ever exceed 6.5 gpm one has to employ two tankless water heaters, while one Phoenix tank can manage 10 minutes peak demands often seen in commercial applications.